Monday 23 April 2007

once bitten, twice shy :(

A word to the wise...if you partake of the wee glass of vino whilst surfing the wonderful web on your lovely iBook, be very careful not to rest your glass on the arm of the sofa near said laptop which is perched on one's lap :(

As you may have guessed I did just this, and needless to say said glass of vino toppled, spilling wine onto beautiful iBook. It made a nasty noise, I turned it off in a panic, (in the hope that it would limit the damage), and set it out upside down, like a pitched tent, to dry.

This was two months ago, laptop didn't like the wine very much and the insurance company stated it was "beyond economical repair" which, in turn, meant I got a lovely new MacBook (bonus upgrade!). Though not without paying the policy excess and losing any no-claims bonus.

But still I was quite happy with my new computer.

Today, however, I shed a little tear to the random I was speaking to on the phone regarding the attempted retrieval of the data on my old hard drive (how embarrassing, but it really couldn't be helped as you will come to understand). I had payed the fee to get my hard drive info retrieved and saved to disk, this should have taken a week, that was three and a half weeks ago. I phoned to check the status of the retrieval...I suspected, due to the lack of contact, it was unsuccessful...I was right...they couldn't do it...then the tears...all the pics of my baba, lost and gone, no back up (because no matter how many people tell you to do it, I defy any new mum to find the time to back up all the pics on their computer whilst looking after baby and trying to find the time to sleep!).

I am hoping that if I send out a plea to friends and family I will manage to retrieve some percentage of the pics and will be able to build up a new collection.

My plan is to do any touch-up's required on Photoshop, save them to disk and then send them off to the lab to get some high quality prints done (something I should have done ages ago!) Then I will adorn the house with them!

I love photos, I live for pictures and I miss them, but I still have my wee fella, he's a beautiful picture in himself everyday and that's what's important.

Lesson's learnt:

* Back up stuff from your 'puter
* Print your pics out and put them somewhere you can see them everyday
* Use film (it's always better anyway - not denying digital doesn't have it's place but I'm a traditionalist at heart)


* Stop drinking wine ...near your computer!

My little Boo, day one, in the maternity hospital (photo courtesy of Sarah, thank you honey!)

1 comment:

~Ahren~ said...

Ah, how cute your son is! you must be a very proud Mommy indeed!

I definitely empathize with the wine issue ... I can't drink anything around my laptop ... or Boo the cat makes it his personal goal in life to knock it over. He really is an evil little guy!

Thanks for the help with the photo! Photobucket made it so much easier than the other site I was trying to use! I am indebted to you.