Thursday 11 October 2007

Cast-offs, an exhibition

" 'Cast-offs' is an innovative knitting project developed as part of a major series of events, art projects and exhibitions taking place in the city to mark 200 years since the legal end of the transatlantic slave trade.

Nearly 600 knitters have created hundreds of children's jumpers which artist Chris Biddlecombe has built into a striking installation on show in the city's Kirk of St Nicholas.

The 600 knitted garments align with the approximate number of children kidnapped from the North East between 1740 and 1746. The location of the installation is highly appropriate, given that St Nicholas is the benefactor of children, patron of sea-farers and the protector of the poor.

Between 1600 and 1800, around 12 million men, women and children were transported from Africa to produce crops on plantations in America and the Caribbean. This project has highlighted a lesser-known aspect of forced labour in the 18th century where Scottish children were abducted and shipped to the American Colonies - specifically Aberdeen and the surrounding area.

Drawing a fascinating link between the African Slave Trade and issues of contemporary slavery is the story of Aberdeenshire teenager Peter Williamson, who was kidnapped in Aberdeen harbour and transported to Philadelphia, where he was sold into slavery. After writing a book that exposed the scandal of slave trading, he later returned to the city and sued the Provost, four Bailies and the Dean of Guild for their collusion in his kidnapping.

When the installation is viewed, the jerseys form a collaged composition of text fragments, forgotten messages, lost initials and stolen words. Each knitter's written or drawn response accompanies the installation on garment labels.

When it is finally deconstructed the individual jumpers will form part of an international effort with Feed the Children UK, to combat contemporary child slavery, clothing babies born to young girls abducted in Uganda and closing this unique 'knitting circle'."

This is the jumper I knitted for the exhibition. Each knitter was given the same pattern and some were given a letter to include on the front panel of the jumper. I have used the lovely rowan wool cotton that my KCS2 pal included in my package, I know I was meant to knit something for my wee boy with it, but this was a great idea & cause and I'm glad that a child who needs it will enjoy this jumper, (My Boo did get to sport it for the photos though!).

How fab do they all look hanging in the Kirk?!

There's my 'S' at the end of the first 'meets'.

One of the phrases, 'Is anyone listening'.


Knittymama said...

That is truly amazing! Thanks for sharing this.

limonetricot said...

Your welcome! I really enjoyed having a part (small as it was) in this, and was truly stunned when I walked into the Kirk to see it all put together.

blopeep said...

My goodness, Jenni! I can't think of a better way to make use of that yarn. Your jumper is lovely (as is Boo!) and seeing them all together is just smashing.

Enjoy your swap and don't lose too much sleep with all that caffeine!

