Monday 16 April 2007

knitting purling bunting

My creativity was given a much needed project in the form of my friend Kitty's baby shower on Saturday past. Here are some pics of the beautiful bunting that we put together for it! Lurvely if I do say so myself! The majority of the flags were knitted by the prolific knitter Winnie, but others also produced some fantastic to Sarah, Amy, Maggie and myself.

I also sewed up what seemed like miles of gingham bunting, but it was worth it, very pleased with the result and inspired to make some more for Seb's nursery once I've finished the other million projects that I've just decided to start! I'm like a foodie when it comes to creative projects, my eye's are bigger than my stomach and so I pile too much on my plate and am thoroughly miffed when I realise I can't finish it!!!
The piesta resistance was the Silver Cross Pram Pinata that I put together... you know when you get a picture in your head of something you want to make and then it turns out exactly as you'd hoped? Well it did, I was awfully chuffed!! (...though I must admit to my heart breaking a tiny little bit when it was torn down off the tree, the handle bar broke off and it was ripped open to the delight of the 4 little girls who then took their reward from the pile of yummy treats that lay strewn on the lawn!!)

Ah parties, here's to a good year for them, lots of sunshine and a few more pinatas perhaps!

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